A collection of Software horror stories. It is somewhat outdated, but news about bugs and malfunctions are so frequent that it is impossible to be up to date.
An interview with Moshe Vardi in the Provable Security podcast of Amazon. Moshe Vardi is one of the greatest researchers in automated reasoning. He also has one of the most revered moustaches in Computer Science.
The Ariane 5 incident is one of the most famous and better studied effects of a software glitch, caused by a mismatch between (changing) specifications and software design. A comprehensive view of the relationship between them could have avoided this and other pitfalls.
This talk, delivered by Moshe Vardi with the occasion of the World Day of Logic on January 14th, 2021, is interesting not only because of the historical accounts, but also because it presents several of the reasons why logic has the shape it has today.